
How Wearable Technology Has Evolved over Time

How Wearable Technology Has Evolved over Time
Image Courtesy: Pexels

Wearable technology has become a regular part of human lives. But it wasn’t always like this. The earliest idea of the concept can be traced back to the 1950s. Since then, it has experienced a remarkable development.

Each update in the field can be classified into its own category with design, functionality, and uses.

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Discover how wearable technology has evolved over time.

By understanding the transformation of wearable technology till now, the future direction of development of the field can be understood.

Earliest Notion of Wearable Technology

As mentioned before, the earliest experiment of developing such technology started in 1955. At that time, Sony came out with their first transistor radio. This laid the foundation of modern technology such as the iPod.

Up until the 1970s, development in the field continued to occur. One of the first major breakthroughs was with the wearable calculator. This began the journey towards the more commonly recognizable wearable technology.

Health and Exercise Revolution

By the 1980s, there was steady advancement in the form of the technology offered, the comfort, the size, and more. Then the fitness craze started, and how wearable technology can support it.

It began with simple heart monitors and basic trackers for athletes. Over time, the features visible today have been incorporated.

Fitbit, a key player in the market, transformed the industry with their release in 2009. It offered a range of features and functionality. This was the first step of wearable technology heading in a particular direction, and it was a healthy one.

Hi-Tech Smartwatches

Today, the market is filled with smartwatches. They range from high-end products offered by Apple or Samsung to low-quality products offered by the generic seller.

These devices were a combination of traditional watches with features of a smartphone. It allowed users to track health, receive notifications, and utilize apps simply with a device attached to their wrists.

What the Future of Wearable Technology Holds

AI is the largest topic of discussion for anything related to technology. Integrating AI into wearable tech is the next part of the field’s development.

The objective is to improve the inter-connectivity with other devices for a smoother user experience.

Closing Thoughts

Wearable technology and its transformation showcase the larger trends of consumer preferences. It has come a long way from Sony’s first transistor to Apple’s latest smartwatch.

A key functionality of the tech has been to provide users with a detailed input of their health statistics. It is expected the development of the field will occur with the integration of AI.